Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Featured Titles:
Spondulix by Paul Di Filippo
CASH. Dollars. Dinero. Euros. Pounds. Rubles. Yen. Buckaroos. Megabucks. Moolah. Smackers. Bread. Simoleans. Spondulix! Money makes the world go 'round. But Rory Honeyman's money makes the world turn faster. Spinning out of control, in fact. From the Great Plains to Mexico City, to Canada, to Europe, to Hoboken...? Yes, Hoboken. Rory's life's peculiar adventures seem to grind to a halt in [...]
Joe's Liver by Paul Di Filippo
To those benighted and unfortunate souls misfavored by whimsical Fate to the degree that they were born outside the status-conferring territorial confines of the uniquely glorious United States of America, one and only one Yankee monument shines forth as the paramount symbolic beacon of sheer American wonderfulness, of capitalistic exuberance, of cheeky wit, of bold principles manfully defended [...]
Rebel Yell by Lance Olsen
A cutting-edge, heading-for-the-millennium guide to the craft of fiction writing, Rebel Yell is perfect for individual or classroom use. Fast-paced and entertaining, Rebel Yell, by Idaho Writer-in-Residence and acclaimed novelist Lance Olsen, begins with a concise but thorough presentation of compositional basics and quickly progresses to more sophisticated concerns, such as navigating the murky [...]
Angel Body and other Magic for the Soul edited by Chris Reed & David Memmott
For the past twenty years the American small press Wordcraft of Oregon has built up a stable of authors that reads like a speculative fiction who's who. Many have gone on to be widely published, or be acclaimed as winners or nominees of major literary prizes including the Pushcart, Rhysling, Readercon, Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke and Stoker awards. Now twenty-five writers, artists and poets [...]
Magia: The Ciruelo Sketchbook by Ciruelo
This magnificent volume features works that you won't see anywhere else: preliminary sketches and drawings from Ciruelo's notebooks. Ciruelo makes many intricate pencil drawings to ensure the final painting comes to life in fact, the finished painting comes directly from a finished pencil, which is transferred to the canvas. This book contains many such drawings and more.
Green Music by Ursula Pflug
This first speculative fiction novel by renowned Canadian short story writer Ursula Pflug delivers a shimmering narrative, gliding effortlessly between magic realism and fantasy with humour and insight. A struggling artist, possessed by a derelict friend's grief and the legacy of a whiskey-swilling Great Lakes mariner, forges a gateway to her dreams. Green Music blends the gritty reality of [...]