BBR Catalogue | Terms of Business
Age statement
Some titles listed in this catalogue may not be suitable for younger readers and are marked accordingly. BBR Distribution makes no claim as to the suitability of any title for consumption by minors.
If something you order is not available
If we cannot supply you with an item, the order value of that item will be refunded.
If you send too much money
Strangely enough, this does happen! For example, it's possible to miscalculate the total value of the order you are placing, or sometimes overseas customers find it more convenient to round up the total to the nearest whole pound. Any such overpayment will be refunded by default.
If you don't send enough money
If you have miscalculated the total value of your order, or prices have gone up, we will process your order in the following sequence, up to the value of your payment: 1. items in stock at the price you are expecting; 2. items in stock at a revised price; 3. items not currently in stock. Any balance remaining will be refunded. Any items for which there is not enough payment will be marked accordingly on your Despatch Note.
All items for which you have credit are listed on the Credit Statement section of the Despatch Note that accompanies your order. With the exception of any prepaid items despatched after the date on the Credit Statement, the total indicated is held in credit against a future order from the BBR Catalogue. It may also be refunded upon request.
VAT (UK Sales Tax)
The prices stated include any VAT that may be currently applicable to these items. At present, books and magazines are not liable for VAT in the UK, but we reserve the right to amend our prices without notice should the VAT liability for any items listed be changed in the future.
Customers outside the UK
Pages in the BBR Catalogue show prices inclusive of postage and packing for destinations worldwide. Non-UK customers registered for VAT in the EU VAT area must supply a valid registration number if a VAT invoice is required.
All goods are despatched by Royal Mail. High value goods will require a signature on delivery. Please contact us if you wish to make alternative arrangements. If the address you supply is incomplete, or for any other reason your goods are returned to us undelivered, we will charge you the cost of shipping your goods again. All claims for damage or short delivery must be notified in writing to us within 3 days of delivery, and we limit our liability in such cases to replacing damaged items free of charge, or refunding to you the price paid for the goods, together with any carriage charges that you incur in returning damaged items to us.
Terms of Business
We reserve the right to alter prices without notice. All goods are offered subject to availability of stock. We accept no liability for loss of profit or for any other financial or consequential loss or damage resulting from failure to supply any goods advertised.
BBR Distribution is a trading name of BBR Solutions Ltd Registered in England No: 4082132 Registered Office: 1 The Old Stables, Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9JT, UK