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for your query "brian w. aldiss"

Total 12 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2

New York Review of Science Fiction #100
Samuel R. Delany, 'The Politics of Paraliterary Criticism, Part III'; BRIAN W. ALDISS, 'World SF'; Wolff Dobson and Brendon Towle: 'Coherent Hypertext: Labels in the Hypertext Maze'; Je [...]
New York Review of Science Fiction #50
BRIAN W. ALDISS, Introduction to The War of the Worlds (Part I)'; Gordon Van Gelder, 'The Shining Sun of Magic'; [...]
New York Review of Science Fiction #74
[...] ch, Samuel R. Delany, and the Transhuman Condition'; Gene Wolfe's Bibliomen reviewed by Don Webb; BRIAN W. ALDISS, 'Between Privy and Universe: Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)'; reading lists by Jack Cady, M. John Harri [...]
Lonesome Roads
by Peter Crowther
[...] lace. Peter Crowther has a cunning craft of twitching that curtain, drawing it only partially aside BRIAN W. ALDISS Amidst a genre strewn with dim exertions, Peter Crowther's work pirouettes Richard Christian Mathes [...]
New Pathways #12
Fiction by John Shirley, BRIAN W. ALDISS, Andy Watson, Marc Laidlaw, and Mark Rich
New Pathways #6
Fiction by BRIAN W. ALDISS, Don Webb, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, David Martin, Rob Hollis Miller, and Patricia Jeres
New Pathways #10
Fiction by BRIAN W. ALDISS, Richard Singer, Michael Bishop, John Shirley, and Michael Blumlein
New Pathways #14
Fiction by Lewis Shiner, John Shirley, Ardath Mayhar, BRIAN W. ALDISS, and Steve Rasnic Tem
This World and Nearer Ones
ISBN 0873382617 A unique collection of articles, reviews and travel pieces linked by Aldiss's penetrating wit and by the theme of the complex unity of art and science which forms the inner mystery of [...]
New Pathways
[...] e, not currently publishing but unmatched to this day. Contributors include John Shirley, Don Webb, BRIAN W. ALDISS, Michael Blumlein and Paul Di Filippo.

Total 12 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2