for your query "bruce boston"
Total 63 Displaying 4150 | Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D. #8 [...] , Kurt Newton, Doug Rice, D.F. Lewis, Scott H. Urban, Wayne Allen Sallee, Tom Hamill, Paul Weinman, BRUCE BOSTON, Deborah Hunt, Jeffrey Thomas, Scott C. Holstad, Bo Vilmos Widerberg, and Erik Rush; interviews/fea [...] |
Talebones #11 [...] e, Bruce Taylor, James C. Glass, and Ken Rand, poetry by Colleen Anderson, Mike Allen, Mark Budman, BRUCE BOSTON, and Donna Taylor Burgess, and an interview with Bill Ransom |
Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D. #6 [...] K.K. Ormond, David F. Kramer, Lorin Emery, Wayne Allen Sallee, Edward J. McFadden, Tom Hamill, and BRUCE BOSTON; interviews/features with Sleep Chamber, Severed Heads, Uncle River, Brian Hodge, Hakim Bey, Mark A [...] |
Confessions of a Body Thief by BRUCE BOSTON ISBN 0938075756 A long SF prose poem, winner of the 1999 Rhysling Long Poem Award. |
Dreams & Nightmares #50 Poetry by Ann K. Schwader, April Lott, Tiffany Auxier, W. Gregory Stewart, BRUCE BOSTON and others, plus short prose work from Judy Klass and J.W. Donnelly |
Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D. #7 Fiction/poetry by Thomas Wiloch, John Shirley, Scott Holstad, John Kerper, Bill Eakin, BRUCE BOSTON, W.H. Pugmire, Jeffrey Thomas, Jennifer Swift, K.K. Ormond, S.L. Shrewsbury, Daveed Gartenstein-Ros [...] |
Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D. #5 Fiction/poetry by BRUCE BOSTON, Jeffrey A. Stadt, Don Webb, Sue Storm, Gregory A. Nyman, W.H. Pugmire, Uncle River, G.F. O'Sulliva [...] |
Palace Corbie #5 [...] vonne Navarro, Edo van Belkom, Gregory L. Norris & Kimberly Wade, David Schindler, J.N. Williamson, BRUCE BOSTON, Deidra Cox, D.F. Lewis & M.B. Simon, Sue Storm, Gemma Files, and Michael A. Arnzen; poetry by Shei [...] |
The Zone #4 Fiction by Neal Asher, Chris Bell, BRUCE BOSTON, Rhys H. Hughes, Dominic McDonagh, and Pat Walsh, plus a profile of M. John Harrison |
New Pathways #11 Fiction by Conger Beasley Jr., Meredith Rolley, BRUCE BOSTON, Don Webb, and Paul Di Filippo |
Total 63 Displaying 4150 | Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |