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for your query "derek m. fox"

Total 11 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2

Kimota #9
[...] Trevor Mendham, Suzanne J. Barbieri, David Sutton, Kim Padgett-Clarke, D.F. Lewis, Stephen Bowkett, DEREK M. FOX, Christine Goody, Dominic Dully, Jason Conway, Mark Gale, Steve Savile, and Peter Tennant
ISBN 1901530019 Tibb's Cove ought to be a pleasant seaside town. But when a Lancaster Bomber drops out of the night sky, and out of the past, shooting up the place, it's anything but. It's all to do [...]
ISBN 0952718308 A letter from a mysterious woman is all it takes to turn Daniel Lees's world upside-down. His wife begins to act strangely. His children's lives are put at risk. He is haunted by a pa [...]
Threads #3
Fiction by Dave B. Ellis, Sue Anderson, DEREK M. FOX, Neal Asher, Nik Kelly, David Murphy, Thomas Earle, and Mark Tibbits
Night Dreams #4
Fiction by Rhys H. Hughes, Graeme Hurry, Peter Tennant, Anthony Cawood, DEREK M. FOX, Simon Clark & D.F. Lewis, Jason Gould, Tom Baldwin, Caitlin Burke, Anthony Barker, and Medeleine V [...]
Psychotrope #1
Fiction by Hertzan Chimera, Peter Tennant, Tim Lebbon, Paul E. Pinn, DEREK M. FOX, Leighton Phillips, Ian Hunter, D.F. Lewis, Andy Cox, and J.M. Summers
Enigmatic Tales #7
Fiction by J.A.C. Shire, Colin Mackay, Steve Redwood, R.J. Krijnen-Kemp, DEREK M. FOX & John B. Ford, Steven Lockley, Rhys Hughes, Ash Miller, Christopher Hivner, John Light, Richard Re [...]
Treading on the Past
[...] nk Mafrici and with an introduction by Mark Chadbourn. Muscular stories that bite back! Simon Clark DEREK M. FOX is set to be the new master of fear. Mark Chadbourn A must-read collection David Price, Terror Tale [...]
Sackcloth & Ashes #5
[...] k Chadbourn, Michael Kelly, Carol Anne Davis, Steve Savile, Tim Lebbon, John Galloway, Jason Gould, DEREK M. FOX, Chad Hensley, and Craig Jones, with poetry by Elizabeth Howkins, and Nancy Bennett
Nasty Piece of Work #4
[...] fford Thurlow, Lyn McConchie, Thomas McColl, Tim Lebbon, D.F. Lewis, Sydney Venner, Marion Mathieu, DEREK M. FOX, Tim Lebbon, Ralph Greco Jr, Mark Leon Collins, Peter Tennant, Trevor Denyer, John B. Ford, Andrew [...]

Total 11 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2