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for your query "elisabeth vonarburg"

Total 14 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2

New York Review of Science Fiction #271
[...] Dick's The Search for Philip K. Dick ; Alvaro Zinos-Amaro on Claude Lalumiere; and Joan Gordon on ELISABETH VONARBURG
Interzone #216
Fiction by Lavie Tidhar, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Billie Aul, R.R. Angell, ELISABETH VONARBURG, Anil Menon, and Geoff Ryman, plus interviews with Greg Egan and Alastair Reynolds
New York Review of Science Fiction #190
[...] ian Stableford on Guy de Maupassant's 'L'Homme de Mars', Jenny Blackford and Kathleen Ann Goonan on ELISABETH VONARBURG's Dreams of the Sea , Richard Parent on Robert Sawyer's utopian dystopia, Walter Minkel on Philip [...]
Tesseracts 7
edited by Paula Johanson & Jean-Louis Trudel
[...] r, Carl Sieber, Michael Skeet, Pierre Sormany, Richard Stevenson, Mildred Tremblay, Gerry Truscott, ELISABETH VONARBURG, Andrew Weiner, Allan Weiss, Melissa Yuan-Innes. Translations by Wendy Greene, Yves Meynard and Jea [...]
Tesseracts 6
edited by Robert J. Sawyer & Carolyn Clink
[...] lie Rich, Rhea Rose, Douglas Smith, Jena Snyder, Hayden Trenholm, Jean-Louis Trudel, Michael Vance, ELISABETH VONARBURG, Andrew Weiner, and Robert Charles Wilson.
Tesseracts Q
edited by ELISABETH VONARBURG & Jane Brierley
[...] n, Roger Des Roches, Claude-Michel Prevost, Bertrand Bergeron, Jean Dion, Annick Perrot-Bishop, and ELISABETH VONARBURG.
Tesseracts 5
edited by Robert Runte & Yves Meynard
[...] h new and established. Fiction by Sally McBride, Jan Lars Jensen, Francine Pelletier, Dale Sproule, ELISABETH VONARBURG, Marlene Dean, Sansoucy Kathenor, Andrew Weiner, Cliff Burns, Jean-Louis Trudel, Candas Jane Dorsey [...]
Reluctant Voyagers
[...] of pseudo-moose to a confrontation with the originators of her reality. In Reluctant Voyagers , ELISABETH VONARBURG, winner of the Aurora, Prix Boreal and Philip K. Dick Awards, has created a powerful speculative no [...]
Maerlande Chronicles
ISBN 1888782942 In a novel of epic proportions, ELISABETH VONARBURG envisions a world of the far future that has survived the Decline where the few survivors are force [...]
Tesseracts 4
edited by Lorna Toolis & Michael Skeet
[...] ernaghan, James Alan Gardner, Charles Shelby Goerlitz, Caroline Clink, Ursula Pflug, Andrew Weiner, ELISABETH VONARBURG, John Robert Colombo, Lesley Choyce, John Park, Tim Wynne-Jones, Derryl Murphy, Jean-Louis Trudel, [...]

Total 14 Displaying 1–10Pages: 1 2