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for your query "hilltop press"

Total 39 Displaying 31–39Pages: 1 2 3 4

AE: The Seven Wonders of the Universe
by Mike Johnson
ISBN 0905262077 A tour-de-force alike of dramatic Science Fiction narrative and of powerfully experimental prose-poetry, Mike Johnson's AE takes the reader on a wonderful, and terrifying, tour of t [...]
War of the Words: A Sampler of SF Fanzine Pomes
edited by Steve Sneyd
ISBN 0905262034 When Science Fiction took us to the stars, did laughter get left behind? Judge for yourself – with this starburst of classic 'pomes' from the halcyon days of fannish writing. The [...]
Medusas / Psallat Ecclesia Mater Illibata
by Lee Ballentine & Notker Balbulus
ISBN 0905262301 In 'Ace Double' format, a speculative/experimental SF poem by Lee Ballentine (editor of the seminal poetry anthology POLY ) with (in original Latin and new translation) probably the [...]
A Word in your Eye: An Introduction to the Graphic Poem
by Steve Sneyd
ISBN 0905262247 Take a poem. Add pictures. Turn it into a comic strip. Transgressive act, a kind of spitting in the muse's font? Or is this an opening of new windows of possibility? Are you adding ne [...]
Gnawing Medusa's Flesh: The Science Fiction Poetry of Robert Calvert
by Steve Sneyd & David Jones
ISBN 0905262212 Robert – Bob – Calvert died, tragically early, over a decade ago. Yet his work, his influences, live on. Those great musical survivors, Hawkwind, have continued to bring his [...]
Fates and Destinies
by Charles T. Scribner
ISBN 0905262190 Look Up and Wonder Of this book, the author, an American doctor and poet who has been studying prehistoric astronomy for over 20 years, says: 'I used to think, as most of us do, tha [...]
Skip Trace Rocks
by Peter Layton
ISBN 0905262255 Imagine your job is reshaping Mars for human settlement. How soon would those daily wonders and terrors become routine? The boss become a bigger enemy than Outer Space? In these extr [...]
The Fantastic Muse
by Arthur C. Clarke
ISBN 0905262050 The prophet of science and SF is shown to be prophetic also in his views on the need for a poetry of SF. To mark Clarke's 75th birthday, this seminal article – the earliest known [...]
by Tom Bamford
A long fantasy poem.

Total 39 Displaying 31–39Pages: 1 2 3 4