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for your query "john light"

Total 40 Displaying 11–20Pages: 1 2 3 4

Maelstrom #3
Fiction by Andrew Darlington, Martin Stannard, Rob Freeth, Trevor Hopper, Edmund Harwood, and JOHN LIGHT
ISBN 1897968086 The second edition of a short collection of early poems by JOHN LIGHT (first published by Carmina Publishing, 1989) including a long science fantasy poem and others not [...]
Premonitions #2
Fiction by JOHN LIGHT, Stephen Markley, William Meikle, Alan Garside, Alex Mellor, Chris Fretwell, Neal Asher, Geoff Jack [...]
Scheherazade #18
Fiction by Nick Wood, Cherith Baldry, Phillip Mann, JOHN LIGHT, and Peter T. Garratt
Are These Rhymes Nonsense?
ISBN 0907759718 60 pages of poems and drawings for children of miscellaneous ages including such character-building verse as: Making the Best of It I'd like to be good If only I could But I can't So [...]
The Lords of Hate
ISBN 1897968035 'JOHN LIGHT's latest novel The Lords of Hate blends the breakneck galaxy-hopping action of vintage pulps with [...] hout conscience, the implied moral seems to be that true wisdom requires a soul as well as a brain. JOHN LIGHT cheerfully admits to being 'old-fashioned', a trait I possibly share with him to some extent; but i [...]
Psychotrope #4
[...] Laughlin, Rhys Hughes, Anthony Cawood, James Miller, Bob Hill, Jason Gould, Paul Pinn & D.F. Lewis, JOHN LIGHT, and Gary Couzens
Albedo 1 #9
Fiction by JOHN LIGHT, Andrea Thomas, William Meikle, Tiernan Ivory, and Gill Alderman, plus an interview with Colin Gree [...]
Psychotrope #2
Fiction by Andy Cox, Wayne Edwards, Tony Lee, JOHN LIGHT, Tim Lebbon, Hertzan Chimera, D.F. Lewis & Kirk S. King, Roger Keen, and D. Ceder
Mystery of the City
edited by JOHN LIGHT
[...] Freeman, Sean Russell Friend, John Francis Haines, Neil K. Henderson, Martin Holroyd, James Kirkup, JOHN LIGHT, Geoff Lowe, Rupert Loydell, John Mingay, Eric Ratcliffe, Peter Russell, Jeanne Leigh Schuler, Ruth [...]

Total 40 Displaying 11–20Pages: 1 2 3 4