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for the Subject Category "Marginalia"

Total 19 Displaying 11–19Pages: 1 2

Morbid Curiosity
Called 'the learned person's approach to all things dark and lovely' by the Azrael Project Newsletter, Morbid Curiosity magazine presents true, first-person accounts of unusual experiences and the s [...]
Since 1991, Headpress journal has been at the forefront of Underground – or 'transgressive' – publishing, with incisive and cutting-edge essays on films and filmmakers, religious manias, f [...]
Journal Wired
Editors Andy Watson and Mark Ziesing put out three hefty trade paperback volumes of this magazine from 1989 to 1990 to considerable acclaim – each one's packed full of fiction, rants, commentary [...]
Carpe Noctem
Carpe Noctem , a beautifully designed Dark Culture Magazine, is filled with interviews, fiction, art, photography, reviews and articles that all give its readers glimpses into the less travelled pla [...]
Remember Lost in Space? Amused by bad art and weird music? Intrigued by controversy? Wary of corporate control? EYE spans both extremes. Vital articles connect readers with little-known oddities fro [...]
A colour, quarterly magazine that explores all things highly unusual. In each issue, it spotlights several darkly bizarre artists and their work, features fringe musicians like Rozz Williams and the G [...]
Cyber-Psycho's A.O.D.
The apocalyptic aspects of horror, cyberpunk and surrealism – with a steady overtone of mental aberrations. Transcendant, yet often cynical, Cyber-Psycho's covers the diverse arts in the forms [...]
See No Evil: Banned Films and Video Controversy
by David Kerekes & David Slater
ISBN 1900486105 A means to improve home entertainment domesticates the cinema. Big budget film titles from major companies – who are initially reticent about home-viewing and video hire – c [...]
Fates and Destinies
by Charles T. Scribner
ISBN 0905262190 Look Up and Wonder Of this book, the author, an American doctor and poet who has been studying prehistoric astronomy for over 20 years, says: 'I used to think, as most of us do, tha [...]

Total 19 Displaying 11–19Pages: 1 2