The BBR Directory has been respectfully put out to grass. It first appeared as a special section within issues #21 (1992) and #22 (1994) of Back Brain Recluse magazine. It was subsequently spun out as a separate newssheet and published in printed form from November 1996 to July 2000, and in electronic form from November 1997 to November 2003. The messageboard ran from May 1999 to November 2004. When BBR Directory was first devised, marketing and networking for small press magazines was patchy, consolidated listings where readers might find new titles were scarce, and Internet usage was minimal. Today it's considered the norm for independent publishers to use the Internet of part of their operation – indeed for many their entire operation exists electronically as web sites, e-books or blogs – so the relevance of the BBR Directory has progressively waned. For those interested in the small press of the 1990s we're keeping the Directory on-line as a bibliographic resource – just use the search engine or browse the back issues and message board. Thanks for reading!
Editor and Publisher Chris Reed
The BBR Directory is published in the UK by a dedicated volunteer staff. The entire contents are copyright BBR. All uncredited material is the work of the editorial staff, and is copyright BBR. All rights, including translation into other languages and reprinting of contents, are reserved. |