Subject: Science Fiction
Publisher: Aeon Press (Ireland)
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first edition trade paperback, 264pp p/b, ISBN 0953478424, 2002
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An outstanding SF writer
Foundation |
The wealth of ideas on display is dazzling ... Systems of Romance easily stands head and shoulders above any other fiction I've read for years
BBR Directory |
It may be ... that as a Dutch writer, outside the mainstream of Anglo-American SF but with a deep knowledge of it, Harland is in a position to be one of those who will invigorate SF during the present century
Andy Sawyer, Alien Online |
Follow Jeremy Rose in his search for his mysteriously lost lover Shikegi, as he follows a trail of missing artists: their bodies, their paintings ... and their hands.
The Hand That Takes is a wrenching portrait of loss, an adventure-crammed and brilliant near-future thriller, introducing one of Holland's foremost visionary authors to an international audience. The author Paul harland has won the national Dutch award for best Science Fiction story four times. He is the author of some 50 anthologised stories and novellas, the Dutch collection Remote Control, three novels of which the Dante-esque Water to Ice is the most recent, and the critically acclaimed English-language short story collection Systems of Romance (with Paul Evenblij). He lives in Tiel, the Netherlands, where he occupies himself with writing. He also designs and builds furniture.