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Others' Paradise
by Paul Leppin

Subject: Contemporary Literature
Publisher: Twisted Spoon Press (Czech Republic)

Edition Our Price inc. p&p Status
first edition hardback, 144pp, ISBN 8090125751, 1995 N/A out of print

Others' Paradise cover

Towards the end of his life Leppin wrote: "Prague remains my deepest experience. Its conflict, its mystery, its rat-catcher's beauty have ever provided my poetic efforts with new inspiration and meaning." Others' Paradise represents one of the most intense expressions of this experience. Beginning with the highly imagistic "The Doors of Life", the eight stories contained in this volume detail the contours of the lives and visions of a collection of Prague inhabitants. Amidst their differing circumstances what these characters share is an intense desire for lasting human contact and the fated disappointment of all such aspirations. Binding their personal histories, woven into their most intimate details, is Prague itself, the city whose nature, mythical and yet all-too-real, gives shape and force to their desires while simultaneously determining their frustrations.