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by David Blair

Subject: Speculative Fiction / Cinema
Publisher: David Blair (USA)

Edition Our Price inc. p&p Status
version for Mac, 1999 UK only: £20.00 in stock
version for PC, 1999 N/A out of stock

WAXWEB cover

    Like something from the network vaults of an alternate universe
    William Gibson
    Wax... is a delight for the eyeballs, a feast for the receptor sights, a brilliant illumination for our left brains and our right brains
    Timothy Leary
    With its rival paranoid geniuses, fin-de-siecle anxiety, and rampant image processing, Wax... suggests what some of Peter Greenaway's early films would be like if he remade them on video
    Village Voice

Jacob Maker is a beekeeper who designs flight simulators. One day, the past arrives out of the future, and Jacob enters WAXWEB.

WAXWEB is a hypermedia version of the theatrically-distributed electronic feature "WAX or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees" (1991). It's available on the Web at http://www.waxweb.org, in English, French, or Japanese versions, or on CD-ROM with higher-resolution video in each language.

Play the movie from beginning to end – an 85 minute theatrical feature.

Or click the "hypervideo" at any time – the movie has 1200 shots, and every shot is recomposed inside 25 unique pages/spaces.

Pictures: Meaningful and endless resemblence; start of a mechanical dream.

Words: Hypertexts for each shot, sideways to time, and talking.

3d: Silent movies around each shot. The void of the dream.

Stutter through the dream – then cut back to the movie. As you go, the movie moves into endless time, expanding to become a grotesque and miniature world.

Praise for "WAX or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees":