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Conspiracy of the Dead
by John Light

Subject: Science Fiction
Publisher: Photon Press (UK)

Edition Our Price inc. p&p Status
first edition paperback, A5, 309pp p/b, ISBN 1897968302, 2005 UK only: £8.00 in stock

Conspiracy of the Dead cover

In the worlds beyond, the evil dead plot to dominate the Universe of the living through their armies of thralls. Recognising that the people of Lavandrel hold a pivotal position in the history of the Cosmos, they unleash their might against the planet in a bid not only to control the future but even to remould the past.

Obedient to the dying counsel of Lavandrel's greatest sage, Prince Alorn of Born leaves his embattled world to seek aid from the Elder World. Guided by the Roamanies of Doth and braving the Wizard World of Drel, he encounters the people of the Masque and threads the maze cave of Sufindral in search of the Elder World and entry to the worlds beyond to meet the greatest challenge of all.